Salvation Road

Salvation Road is the ninth in our series of calendars. The Apostle Paul is our inspiration for this calendar. Paul had a strong desire to travel to Rome to preach the message of the Gospel to the Romans. The Holy Spirit warned Paul that peril awaited him in Rome, so in case he wouldn’t be able to deliver the message directly, Paul decided to write a letter to the churches in Rome (the Book of Romans) telling them about the revelation of God’s Righteousness and His plan for salvation. Paul starts by showing how humans lack God’s righteousness because of sin. Paul then describes the hope we have in the love of God expressed through his Son, Jesus Christ. Once we understand our need for a savior and recognize that Jesus Christ is that savior, we can respond by calling out to Jesus for our salvation. Through our faith in Jeses we are justified and enjoy peace with God, no longer separated from God by our sin.

May God bless you and your family throughout the year. Chuck and Cindy Steen